Because of our strong college-prep curriculum and even stronger brotherhood, CFS graduates are well-rounded, resilient young men ready for the real world.
Key Distinctives
Explore the Church Farm School advantageBecause high school plays such an important role in your son’s future, you know that a positive learning environment is critical for securing the right opportunities. Discover what makes CFS different from a more traditional education pathway.
Academic PreparednessIn addition to
quality academics and a challenging curriculum that translates to college acceptance, CFS offers a college guidance program to help boys find “best fit” schools. Students can take advantage of SAT prep and college transition courses and a variety of advanced and honors classes.
Diverse Learning CommunityDiversity is a core part of CFS culture. Your son will learn and grow with students from all over the world and from different backgrounds, perspectives, faiths and cultures. The CFS experience often expands college options for boys who might not have had access or opportunity in previous school settings.
Leadership Skills Your son’s worldview and values will be shaped tremendously. The CFS experience will instill strong character traits and the leadership skills he needs for life. Students are actively mentored, involved in ambassador and leadership programs and participate in town halls to discuss important national and worldwide issues.
Core ValuesThe school’s four core values (respect, responsibility, integrity and brotherhood) define expectations and set
the standard for how CFS students interact with one another. A Christian community rooted in the Episcopal tradition, twice-weekly chapel services reflect various faith backgrounds.
Health & Well-BeingStudent-athletes can push themselves on the court or on the field at CFS.
The Griffins compete in 11 sports that include championship basketball, track and wrestling teams. A variety of club sports and extensive facilities that include a gym, pavilion, athletic fields and an outdoor swimming pool round out the program.
CFS graduates are curious and compassionate learners, compelling communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, persistent in the pursuit of excellence, ethical agents for the common good and committed to global responsibility.
Questions about Church Farm School’s independent boarding or day school? Please contact our admissions team at
(610) 363-5347 or
[email protected].